“A picture is worth a thousand words” is a saying that reflects a lot of our daily business, as we create three-dimensional images by X-ray CT. Often, our customers need to non-destructively look into their sample to see defects, to find out if cables are broken, to visualise cracks, to check if components are placed at the right position or to make a quality control and detect different layers. We provide non-destructive imaging of the studied sample and create a 3D dataset which can be studied by the customers dependent on their needs.

Movie showing a battery with the individual parts being shown in different colours.

We offer to provide:

  • A full 3D visualisation of the sample
  • A selection of images
  • Movies
  • A report including selected images of the sample
Different layers of plastic foil should be investigated to assuring its quality. The top shows a 2D slice, “virtual cut” of the foil while the bottom shows a 3D image colour-coding the different layers.
Windmill blades were investigated to learn more about the resin flow inside the fibre bundles. The resin flows into the material from the bottom which is visualized by 2D slices both in grey scale (left image; the less the material is absorbing X-rays, the darker the grey tone) and in colour (right image). The colour-coded image shows the same position, visualising air around the fibre bundles where the flow front did not arrive yet in green, the non-filled fibre bundles in dark blue, the filled bundles in light blue and pure resin between the bundles in red.