The Imaging Industry Portal is embedded in a research-based infrastructure. It is a part the 3D Imaging Center and uses the laboratory infrastructure DANFIX, and works as a gateway to large scale facilities.
The Imaging Industry Portal at DTU aims at providing the industry with the latest equipment and the most advanced knowledge within 3D imaging and data analysis. There are several ways to engage in a collaboration with us depending on the scope of the problem and the company's need.
Find us here:
Fysikvej, Building 310
Ground Floor
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
We strive to answer every request within a day.
The first meeting aims at:
- analyzing the company's problem;
- identifying the most suitable method to address it;
- defining a project plan.
More information about the different collaboration modes can be found below.
Commercial terms
Companies, which are in the process of exploring the benefits of a research-based imaging service can require a series of measurements and data analysis on a commercial basis.
This kind of service can be established as a commercial contract. Under special circumstances, an agreement under the de minimis regulation can be made, where companies can benefit from public funding to finance a series of test experiments.
Research collaboration
As a research institution, we like to approach companies' problems from a research perspective. We therefore encourage companies to engage in a research collaboration with us. This gives us the possibility to set up a unique team of researchers to develop innovative ways to investigate and solve companies' problems.
In the context of a research collaboration, we can also measure a companies' materials at one of the large-scale facility we work with, in case our own equipment does not fulfil the project's needs.
Student projects
A company's problem can be addressed throughout a master student project. The master student has access to our local equipment and to the expertise of the network of researchers involved in the Imaging Industry Portal.
A student project gives the company the possibility to have a dedicated person working on a specific problem for several months.